Sabot Loaded

Commander's Periscope......From The Right Side......The views expressed here DO NOT represent the US Military and some of the views belong strictly to my wife. Enough said!


Happy New Year

From our family to yours, have a very Happy New Year!

We are busy getting ready for family to invade (visit) us at our new duty station this week.

Enjoy the holiday and stay safe out there!


My two cent worth..........

To remind yourself of why he is now dead..........Obituary: Saddam Hussein, 1937-2006

Some say that his death by hanging does nothing to make them feel better, that is does nothing at all. I realize that it will likely bring a surge in violence among the crazies and I realize that it might not make some people feel better.

I, on the other hand, feel much better. He got what he deserved, although it could have been carried out in a manner closer to what he inflicted upon others.

I firmly believe in and eye for an eye. When the proof is there and the crime is horrid, it is justified.

It likely makes many Iraqi citizens feel better that he is gone and for those families that his evil hand touched, they likely are jumping for joy.

His death will not bring back our friends that have lost their lives fighting in Iraq, but his death and the death of others like him make me feel a little better when I look at our friends' families that are now left behind.

My rambling thoughts may not make any sense to you, but they make sense to me and their are likely others out there that feel the same way that I do.


General Batiste is advocating a sound strategy for victory

Is the General Still Loved?

We'll soon see if liberals think as highly of retired Major General John Batiste as they did before.

At some point, this country needs to realize that we're in a long fight against Islamic extremists that will require attention and sacrifice not just criticism.

Read the entire article here.


Court: Execute Saddam within 30 days

Iraq court upholds Saddam death sentence

Iraq's highest appeals court on Tuesday upheld the death sentence for
Saddam Hussein' in his first trial and said it must be carried out within 30 days. The sentence "must be implemented within 30 days," chief judge Aref Shahin. "From tomorrow, any day could be the day of implementation."



My hubby is so sweet...

Look what I got for Christmas

** Dedicated to our Troops **

T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the land
We argued about our troops in the faraway Sand.
Our politicians grabbed pork with so little care,
While our soldiers risked life, limb and soul over there.

Congress was nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of another win danced in their heads.
Our soldiers dodged bombs, bullets and suicide freaks
While protesters hung their effigies on our streets.

Inside the Beltway there arose such a clatter,
Another Kennedy crashed a car, its window in shatters.
The Capitol police flew like a flash,
But the Kennedys just gave them some cold, hard green cash.

Thousands of miles away, how could our soldiers know,
That our support was more than just pomp, smiles and show?
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But a half-baked report that made surrender clear.

What of Justin and Casey, once lively and strong,
They'd given their lives, how could it be wrong?
Patriots fought back, called the cowards by name,
"Come from under your beds, have you no shame?"

"Now Murtha! Now Al Gore! Now Obama! Now Kerry!
And your first woman speaker, oh, this could get hairy!
Our soldiers stand strong as you cut off their funds,
They leave behind their blood, as you cut, turn and run.

Stop where you are, Kennedy, get out of the booze,
Our colors don't run, we can't and won't lose.
Remember Sept. 11, and the radicals who pray,
That they cut our throats and kill Santa's great sleigh.

And now, as we look to the north for the miracle star,
We get on our knees, and pray for peace here and far.
We will not falter, if we stand all together,
In cold desert nights, whatever the weather.

We love our men and women, so far from their home.
This Christmas we pray for them, so they don't feel alone.
We will stand by them, as they drive the enemy from sight,
Then Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!



Keep looking...

Ok folks, we're almost back to it. We had to do that little task called a PCS, and what fun it has been.

Some of our postings s in the near future will most likely be about the crap all military families go through during a move, but I like to single people out too. Oh, it's coming!

By the way, you military folks ask your transpo and finance people if DLA is supposed to be used to pay for your ON POST housing up front when you arrive at a new duty station. Forgive me, but I thought BAH was supposed to cover that. We had to give a check for the rest of the month (from the 11th to the 31st) just to move in to on post housing (on the 11th). Gotta love privatization. I'm getting ahead of myself, I'll (actually, probably my wife more so) write more later.

Stay tuned...