Sabot Loaded

Commander's Periscope......From The Right Side......The views expressed here DO NOT represent the US Military and some of the views belong strictly to my wife. Enough said!



Do you think that it possible to be Right Winged on all things except:

Stem cell research, abortion and God?

Do you think it is possible for a Right Winged person to believe that Stem Cell Research should move forward (with certain limits) to benefit the living, breathing human being that desperately need this research to be done?

Do you think it is possible for a Right Winged person to believe that abortion is an individual choice and that aside from partial birth abortion; the government should stay out of it?

Do you think it is possible for a Right Winged person to be an atheist or to be agnostic and not be offended by the Ten Commandments being on public and/or government property and that is not offended by public prayer?

Do you think there are other Republicans out there that only claim to be in the middle or on the left on these particular issues?

Are you one of them?

Do you think that only people who support the left can have the above views?

Do you criticize Right Wingers that have a few different views than the larger part of the Republican Party?

What are your thoughts??


At 18:52, Blogger Coach Mark said...

I think the answer to all of the above is a point. There is always a range on an issue--even on a single side of that issue. To give you an idea, try reading through my Election Thoughts series.

Great questions. (I love when people push others to re-examine what they think they believe!)


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