Sabot Loaded

Commander's Periscope......From The Right Side......The views expressed here DO NOT represent the US Military and some of the views belong strictly to my wife. Enough said!


A female view on gun rights

Our household believes in The Second Amendment.

We use our guns for hunting and recreational range shooting. We collect guns. We also believe that we reserve the right to protect ourselves and our children in our own home, should the need arise. We are trained and educated in the use of our guns.

When the horrible hurricane rocked New Orleans, many residents were forced to hand over their weapons. I blame the Mayor and the New Orleans Police Superintendent . I assume that they were attempting to contain crime. What they did instead, was to keep law abiding citizens from protecting themselves when 911 was not working and the police were nowhere to be found. State "Emergency Powers" vs. The Right to Arms

Take a look at:

Brutally Disarmed, Victims and Give Them Back.

I am a female, I believe that guns rights are important. I believe that the guns that kill people daily in our country are rarely used by law abiding citizens. They are used instead by thugs and criminals that do not own guns legally and seek only to harm others.

I reserve the right to protect myself against those types of people and to protect my family.

Maybe you don't hear from a lot of females with my views. But you should. Women should be standing up in droves for gun rights.


At 19:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am a strong believer in gun rights. If law abiding citizens are disarmed, only the criminals and "thugs" will be left with weapons. Nice thought, huh?


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