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Commander's Periscope......From The Right Side......The views expressed here DO NOT represent the US Military and some of the views belong strictly to my wife. Enough said!


Blah, Blah, Blah.....

House Democrats Propose More Spending for Military and Education

As part of their midterm election push, House Democrats are promoting a wide-ranging legislative agenda that would add tens of billions of dollars a year to the federal budget for the military, homeland security and education yet still impose a new budget restraint that would make it harder to widen the annual deficit.

Republicans and budget experts doubt that Democrats could do both simultaneously. When price tags are attached to their six-pronged agenda -- named Six for '06 -- critics say the Democrats will be forced to choose between keeping their pledge of fiscal rectitude and their promises of federal largess.

"There's a trade-off that's being left unspoken here," said Robert L. Bixby, executive director of the Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan opponent of deficits. "To pay for their new spending, they would have to cut programs, raise taxes or be unable to do what they want."

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